
Solicitor Yair Cohen explains how to stop online trolling

Online harassment laws need to change to help victims of online harassment get their lives back. 

Solicitors Yair Cohen's strategy will, for once and for all, bring an end to online trolling and harassment.

 The reality is that eventually there will be laws enacted to protect victims of online harassment from anonymous trolls. How long would we need to wait for this to happen, however, is unclear. 

Online harassment of individuals is as common now a days as using the internet. It has nearly become an acceptable way of behaving and a norm which we, as a society have been willing to accept.

As it happened, once certain members of Parliament started to become to subject of online harassment, together with a number of high profile cases of harassment of celebrity , things have started to change. Victims of defamation on the internet and of internet blackmail  have stated to speak out.

At the same time there is some recognition now that harassment on the internet is no different to the old fashion harassment that people used to suffer 20 or 30 years ago.

Anonymity on the internet plays a major factor in the increase of online harassment cases. Discovering the identity of online trolls plays a key part in combating this terrible phenomena which is called online trolling.

For more information and support in helping you get rid of your online trolls get in touch on 0207 183 4123 or visit our website https://www.internetlawcentre.co.uk/contact-the-internet-law-centre

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